There are many benefits to logo registration once your brand gains attraction. A little effort will give you the ability to establish your right to register a logo (or word, sound, graphics or color combination), prevent the same names from being enrolled by different organizations working in the space as your business and have no resources.
Difference between logo and copyright

A logo which can have Logo registration in Chennai is a specific type of trademark that uses design elements other than just words to identify the source of the trademark’s product and achieve the functions necessary to distinguish it from competing products. Logos are basically a visual or graphic representation of the company’s identity and / or its products and services. It contains any or all of the following elements:
- Words
- Symbols
- Colors
- Fonts
- Images
- Letters or nouns
- People, animals or other fictional characters
For example: The Google logo, which includes a distinctive font and multicolored characters (specific shades of blue, red, yellow, and green), acts as a trademark for Google’s corporate identity (Google LLC) and its various products (e.g. Pixel, Google Home). And services (e.g., Google Maps, YouTube).
As a result of long-term exposure to advertising, most adults can immediately recognize the hundreds of logos used by consumer product and service providers.
Use in the marketplace

Under state law, businesses acquire common-law rights in their trademarks using only their market. Those rights extend only to those specific geographic areas where marks are used (usually measured by where products and services are sold and regional reach of business advertising) and are subject to limitations based on priority and confusion equality.
As such, your business can just keep another organization from utilizing something similar or comparable logo if both of the accompanying apply:
Logo registration in Chennai states that when business started using its logo before the potential violator started using its logo.
The logo of another company is just like your logo in confusion. Logo registration in Chennai prevents the usage of it.
Inconsistent similarities are usually determined by comparing the appearance of two logos and analyzing the overlap between companies’ products, services and customer base. The final question is whether the logo of a potential infringer would be a mistake for a fair customer one company or another company for its products.
Copyright is a type of licensed innovation security that is accommodated pretty much every sort of inventive articulation, including:

- Paintings;
- Sketch;
- Writing;
- Sheet music;
- Video and audio recordings;
- Sculptures;
- Architectural design;
- Computer software; and
- Other written or creative compositions.
In order for a work to remain a copyright, it must be fixed in a “tangible medium”, i.e. it must already exist in some experienced form, on paper, in audio or video recordings, or embodied in a painting or sculpture.
Copyright Registration protection is available for both publish and unpublish works and, in general, gives the copyright owner the legal right to exclude others from using or reproducing their work without the owner’s permission.
A copyright will grant automatically when the work create. However, there are some advantages to registering a copyright, such as the ability to prove through documents that you are the original creator. No copyright gives the copyright owner special rights in the way an idea is expressed. But, he gives no rights in thought.
For instance, if you want to write an article about a particular car, the text in that article will be protected by copyright, preventing you from using the same words in another order. However, this does not preclude anyone from writing their own original article about the same car or using or producing a car similar to the one described in your article.
In the end, copyright does not protect short phrases, titles or general design elements. These kinds of resources are generally secure as brand names, which are frequently mistake for copyright.
Basic rules for the logo

Never be innovative
Everything and every task has its own limitations. Although you may have immense developmental abilities, their useful use is the imaginary consequences . Abundant experimentation can bring a logo that shines to glitter, even though the organization itself is not known. Keep in mind: a logo which can have Logo registration in Chennai is not a showpiece of craftsmanship.
Instead, your point logo should connect with the brand both recognizably and effectively. At the end of the day, there should be something in your design that can separate clients and get the organization ‘occupied’. If you complete all these considerations, your logo definitely wins.
Never expect instant success
Nike; Puma; Audi; Adidas; Apple; Tata – Every great logo, like anything effective, takes the time to pick up the improvements and popularity. Regardless of the possibility you designed with a beautiful combination of vectors, logos will not turn out to gain instant popularity. It depends on the richness of the item and the business it exists in.
Higher prices tend to lie in name recognition rather than logo identification. Since logos change more often than names. It makes more sense to have Logo registration in Chennai a standard character in general to save a business moniker. With their generous set of rights, standard character traits allow you to retain full-control over your business name. Because standard character marks protect markings in any font size, style, or color, if your logo contains your business name. Then no one providing the same goods or services will be able to copy your logo if you only note your standard Even the character icon. However, if your logo commands good practice for Logo registration in Chennai, attention and customer recognition. If you have concerns about competitors using the same logo, you may want to consider trademarking it.
Recent news
India and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on intellectual property testing and defense and to strengthen IP systems in both countries.
According to an official statement, the MoU is aim at exchanging the best practices for the registration and examination of patents, trademarks, copyrights, geographical indications, and applications for protection of industrial structures and IPR. It also exchanges best practices, including traditional knowledge databases and raising awareness on the use of existing IP systems for the protection of traditional knowledge.